2 weeks in: the Very Nifty data report

Very Nifty
4 min readOct 26, 2020


Already two weeks since the launch of Very Nifty! We want to give you an overview of how the game is growing and what’s happening. As always, we’d like to thanks everyone who plays with us, give ideas, and even start building new things on top of our game.

With VeryNifty you can wrap your NFTS and turn them into vNFTs, your vNFTs earn you MUSE (erc20) once a day by clicking on claim rewards. Use MUSE to buy different gems and raise in the leaderboard, the higher you are in the leaderboard the more MUSE you’ll mine daily. Careful though, if you don’t buy gems for several days your vNFT will die and get burned and won’t be able to mine any more MUSE.

Since our launch, our contracts received 27193 transactions from a total of 1207 unique addresses. Here is the number of transactions over time:

We’re happy to keep players interested in the game and having a core user base that keep playing after the initial airdrop to bootstrap the game economy:

Speaking of economy, the total supply of $muse is now at 56K, holded by almost 600 wallets. vNFT Players have spent 88 ETH in gas fees to interact with the smart contracts (~35K$).

While players use their vNFTs to mine new $muse, there are currently two ways to burn $muse: buying gems to feed you vNFT and wrapping an existing NFT to become a vNFT. Here is how many $muse was minted per day and burnt:

We can see that the ratio of $muse minted/burnt stays good to let the initial liquidity circulate among users. We’ll introduce new mechanics to preserve the supply as the time goes and the ecosystem grows. Remember that we’re still in beta and adjustments to the game parameters might be needed over time.

They were a total of 1523 vNFT in existence but only 825 (54%) are still alive. This is due to having a good amount of people participating in the first airdrop that just claimed their vNFT without playing.

Out of the 825 living vNFT, 32 are wrapped Meme Ltd NFTs. We are glad to see other NFTs brought into the game to get a new history and value. The percentage of wrapped Meme LTD against native vNFT is currently at nearly 4%.

The vNFT top 3 is composed of:

  • Don Alpha (#1), level 52
  • #1421, level 50
  • Kiss of Death (#1461), level 48

During this week, part of the community united to clean the zombies vNFT remaining from the airdrop. When a vNFT is not fed properly he can be burned by any other vNFT to steal 60% of his score.

While vNFTs with a score of over 1 points are taken out in a matter of seconds, the ones that were never used (0 points) did not attract hunters. In order to get them out, Trader (the undertaker) and some other players united and donated ETH to cover the gas fee required to burn them. You can see this action in the following chart representing the # of kills per addresses:

On the secondary market, you can find vNFT for an average of 0.4 ETH (160$) per vNFT and a record sale of the #1 vNFT in the leaderboard set the top at 5.5 ETH (2200$). A total of 47 ETH (18K$) were traded on OpenSea.

We’re excited to see the vNFT being slowly minted and sold to new players. Moreover, the second airdrop will soon be distributed and should onboard a new wave of users.

A big thanks to the amazing tools used for exploring our data: Dune Analytics and Metabase!

This is all experimental, don’t invest money in us

We like to emphasize over and over that this is all experimental and you should not invest money in us if you are expecting to make returns. This is our experiment with fair launching, NFTs, and community development, we are trying to do something big or fail badly.

Stay tuned for more news coming next week as things seem to move very fast with vNFT.

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